Amazing Aerospace

An exhibition of an alternative history and the future of human flight.

Originally held September 2022 at

Mornington Library, Vancouver St, Mornington VIC 3931 Australia.

Amazing Aerospace overview

Our lived experienced of air travel is influenced to a great extent by the aircraft that fly us to our destinations. Today we have squashy seats, small TVs, a wandering drinks trolley and funny smelling toilets. But the aircraft are still marvels of engineering and putting technology aside, every aircraft that flies has overcome industrial and political hurdles and had a “yes” said against countless decisions. So many great aircraft designs never leave the drawing board and yet if they had, our experience of air travel today could be very different.

This exhibition re-imagines some of the great aircraft of the past and looks into the future to see what technology we will need to go further. The Gravity Plate enables Archangel II to fly and manoeuvre in the atmospheres of Earth and Mars. The Fractal Antenna allows Verdajuvel to "grab" the fabric of spacetime and move in other dimensions, faster than the conventional speed of light. It turns out that Verdajuvel was the last ship humans needed. After that they found a way to let their consciousness permeate the Universe.

Amazing Aerospace posters on display in the Mornington Library foyer exhibition space.
Amazing Aerospace in the Mornington Library foyer exhibition space.

The exhibition has finished at the Mornington Library Foyer Exhibition Space but remains open on-line in this website. The work on Amazing Aerospace hasn't finished either. Always the intent was to use the aircraft plans to develop three dimensional models using Blender. Those models are a great creative tool to help work up the next poster series.

The original Foyer Exhibition Space flyer.